Career Opportunities

Discover a role where each day is a new adventure.

Welcome, Early Years Professionals! We are pleased you are considering Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre for your next adventure.

At our centres, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the children in our programs and watch them thrive under your care.

Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available upon request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

Why work for JHCCC?

  • Professional competitive salary with a great benefit package including RRSP’s, paid  sick days, family responsibility leave days, health and dental benefits

  • Generous vacation package

  • Paid planning and collaboration time

  • Paid monthly staff meetings

  • Educators are respected as individuals who are able to form warm nurturing relationships with children and their families

  • We endeavour to have 90% of program staff being registered ECE

  • Professional development encouraged and financially supported as approved

  • Access to extensive resource library

Current Openings

How to Apply:

To apply for full-time, part-time, and supply positions, please submit your resume to:

Lou Duggan, Quality Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, RECE, AECEO.C, BES

Interested permanent internal candidates are asked to submit a letter of intent requesting movement from a part-time position to a full-time position. Interested internal non-permanent (Supply & Contract Staff ) and external candidates are asked to submit a cover letter and resume detailing their qualifications and certifications. 

Hiring Policy

Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre is a not-for-profit organization providing inclusive childcare services from infant to 12 years of age, and positive support for their families. We offer innovative and interactive learning opportunities that challenge and stimulate the children in a secure, respectful environment facilitated by qualified, nurturing, professional staff.

Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall success of the organization. JHCCC welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities and we are an inclusive, equal opportunity employer. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

We value professionalism. As a foundation to our high-quality programs we are dedicated to upholding the College of Early Childhood Educator’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. As professionals, we are committed to life-long learning that builds on our solid education of child development and care. We believe in continuously gaining new understanding of best practices as research emerges and advancements are made in related fields of study.

Job Postings

At Jacob Hespeler, we believe it is important to hire and promote from within. Open positions will be posted internally at each child care centre and emailed to all internal staff. The hiring committee will determine if a vacant position will be posted externally as well. Factors such as the level of responsibility of the role and number of staff required, will be some of the determining factors as to whether a position is posted externally. Open positions will be promoted internally, prior to being posted externally.

A job posting will include the responsibilities of the role and the qualifications that are required or preferred. The posting will request that a cover letter and resume or letter of intent be submitted. Candidates that partially meet qualifications are still encouraged to apply. The date by which resumes must be submitted, along with the method of submission, will also be detailed.

Selection Process

Resumes will be reviewed by the Executive Director, a hiring committee and/or stakeholders, depending on the position that is posted. Only candidates that JHCCC wishes to interview will be notified, either by email or phone, to set an interview time.

Interview Process

As part of the hiring process, candidates may be given access to interview questions and may be requested to submit an essay or predetermined task.

Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre uses a hiring committee made up of multiple representatives such as the Executive Director, Supervisors and Board Members. A roundtable forum is generally the method used for interviewing candidates, with the exception being for the Deputy Director and Executive Director positions, where individual interviews are conducted.

For a position of added responsibility, such as Supervisor, Deputy Director and Executive Director, candidates will be required to submit a portfolio and the process may consist of multiple interview sessions.


Candidates will be assessed according to their performance in the interview. Performance is based on, but not limited to, their written and oral communication skills, knowledge of the related regulations for the position (such as the Child Care and Early Years Act or guiding documents such as How Does Learning Happen?, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice), best fit and successful reference checks.

Notification of Hire

Successful candidates will be contacted via email or phone with an offer of employment that will detail the start date, location of workplace and a timeline to either accept or decline the position. Once accepted, the candidate will receive a written offer of employment which will be reviewed together with a representative of Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre and signed by both parties.

Unsuccessful Candidates

Those who were interviewed, but not successful in being offered a job, will be notified by email. Their resume and any information they provided will be kept on file for up to three months. Should additional postings occur within the three-month period, they may be considered again for these new positions. A second interview may or may not be required at the Centre’s discretion.

Right to Repost

Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre reserves the right to repost a position, should we be unable to find a suitable candidate from the original posting.

“Our job is too difficult and too beautiful to do alone.”

– Amelia Gambetti