Current Families
Welcome, JHCCC Families!
We are pleased you have chosen Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre for your childcare needs and welcome your family to our programs. Please download our Parent Handbook, a comprehensive resource to help you navigate this next adventure!
If you have any questions about the Handbook, please reach out to your centre’s supervisor. They look forward to assisting you!
FAQs for Current Families
Here are some questions we are often asked by families with children in one of our centres.
We follow the current guidelines set by Waterloo Region Public Health and the Ministry of Education. Our staff and the custodians are regularly cleaning our facilities. We ask that parents follow the Ontario School Screen daily in order to keep everyone as well as can be.
As we are co-located in school buildings, we follow the school boards decisions around closure for severe weather. If the schools are closed, Jacob Hespeler Child Care Centre will be closed. You can find more information at Waterloo Region District School Board.
Please refer to our Parent Handbook for more information about JHCCC.
Depending on which School Board Group is on strike we may or may not be able to keep our programs running. Regular memos will be sent to you so that you can stay abreast of the situation.
We ask that each child bring:
Outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather for the time of the year. Layers are a good idea as the weather conditions can change throughout the day.
A couple changes of clothes - we get messy and accidents can happen
Shoes to wear inside
A refillable water bottle. (Milk bottles if needed)
Sunscreen/bug spray
We do supply bedding for rest time but if your child has a special blanket, snuggly toy, sleep sack ,or soother then you are welcome to send that in. Some of these items might make the transition easier during the day too for some children.
Most locations also collect a family photo so that we can talk to your child about the important people in their life.
A wet bag for wet or soiled clothes
The transition into a centre can be difficult for some children, but It is often more so for the parent when their child is upset. We strongly recommend that you bring your child to the educator, pass on any messages, then give your child a hug and kiss and a confident good-bye and then go. The educators have handled this situation many times and will help your child settle into the day.
For some children they react like this on the first day and it can continue for a week or two until the child becomes familiar with everything. For others, they go through a “honeymoon” period where they are fine being dropped off and then a week in they begin to have a difficult time. Both scenarios are completely normal and the calmer you are, the sooner this stage will pass for the child.
Feel free to call the centre to check in after half an hour or so to see how your child is doing.
We can only give medication to a child that has been prescribed by a physician or medical practitioner for that child. The medication must be brought to the centre in its original container with a current prescription label on it. (Non-prescription medication can be administered when accompanied by a note from the physician or medical practitioner. These will be treated as a prescription drug.)
The parent must complete an Administration of Medication Form before medication can be given.
Fees are paid in advance on the 1st business day of each month through Pre-Authorized Debit. Families sign a contract selecting which set days of the week they require care for, and we require 30 days written notice to make changes to schedules. Fees are not waived for absenteeism.
Our locations are open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Drop off and pick up times are flexible for families, but if you are going to be delayed we ask that you please call or email the centre. Please arrange for an alternative person 12 years of age or older to pick up your child if you are not able to do so by closing. Late fees will be charged after 5:30pm.
Infant, toddler and preschool programs run 12 months per year.
You will receive an Important Date List when you register with more information about closures for statutory holidays, maintenance shut down, etc.
You are required to call or email the centre prior to 11:00am to let us know if your child will be absent. We need to track absences for public health and child care subsidy so the reason for your child not attending needs to be provided.
Discipline is an important part of the child’s learning process and will be handled as such. Children are not allowed to hurt themselves, another child, the environment, or the belonging/property of others. Rules and expectations are clearly stated, reasonable, and at a developmental level that each child can understand, internalize and respond to.
Family Compass Waterloo Region is a one stop location to find out about services for families in our Region. It contains a quick video to show you how to search for what you are looking for.

“I can confidently say the preschool and toddler programs have played such a vital role in our child’s development over the last year and we really appreciate all the effort that goes into creating a loving and caring environment for all of the children.”
Parent – Lackner Woods CCC